Five Reasons - Why is it Crucial to Learn Design Psychology ?

The following are the 5 major reasons why one should learn Design Psychology.

The users’ cognitive needs, learning capabilities, tacit knowledge, emotions, drivers behind motivation, and above all the user experience is also psychological.

1. The User Experience is psychological.

2. Digital technologies can respond to human mind.

Industrial revolution in the 17th & 18th Centuries was propelled by psychologists as much as the scientists and engineers even when the machines were so primitive. In contrast, the digital technologies can be responsive to users’ mindset.

Designers and engineers tend to prioritize the physical aspects of ergonomics due to their tangible nature, while users’ psychology, being invisible and inaccessible, is often overlooked.

3. Mind must always come before the matter.

4. It helps to stay relevant against the AI invasion.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is invading various sectors, including UX design. As a result, UX Designers, Interaction Designers and Product Designers must enhance their skills in Design Psychology to stay relevant and valuable in the evolving landscape.

5. Design Psychology provides leverage over users’ minds.

Understanding Design Psychology provides you with the leverage over users’ minds, a crucial advantage for fiercely competitive business sectors. The knowledge of design psychology, particularly with a focus on social behavior, is invaluable for enhancing a wide range of web and mobile-based 'socio-technical' applications, such as for social media platforms, educational, organizational and management systems, e-commerce sites, or other online services. 

Product Managers, UX Designers, Interaction Designers, and Service Designers can harness Design Psychology to generate innovative ideas that capitalize on behavioral patterns and psychological triggers, leading to the creation of highly engaging applications.