Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Design Psychology integrates selected, curated and adapted psychological theories, models, principles and techniques in to the design process.

    It is aimed at developing innovative ideas for products, systems, features, interactions, or work environments in order to ensure cognitive suitability and psychological engagement with users.

    The ultimate goal of Design Psychology is to create the desired impact or experience or to elicit predictable response from users.

  • The candidate must have skills or knowhow of UX Design or Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) or Product Design or Product Management or Product Leadership involving product ideation and innovation, whether through formal study or training or hands-on professional practice.

  • The design education offered by the universities often focuses on physical human factors, while it tends to overlook the profound impact of human psychology on design. Understanding Design Psychology for Product Innovation is essential for adding this critical dimension to your skillset. This knowledge not only enhances your ability to create innovative, intuitive and engaging products but also sets you apart in a competitive field. Embracing Design Psychology enables you to craft experiences that resonate deeply with users

  • Design Thinking involves brainstorming with users about their pain points, challenges, and pressing issues. However, verbal expressions of these issues and user requirements are only the tip of the iceberg. To truly understand and address user needs, it's essential to delve deeper into the psychological aspects. Design Psychology introduces you to various psychological models and principles, offering innovative insights and ideas that add depth to your Design Thinking process.

  • The knowledge of Design Psychology can be a key differentiator for senior UX leadership, enhancing their ability to innovate and persuasively defend UX ideas before management and customers.

  • The UX design, Interaction Design and Service Design students can attend the Design Psychology course. The course is available for the design students at discounted price.

  • Each online session concludes with a thinking task or an assignment, which helps the participants to familiarize with the application of psychological theory to product innovation or UX design. The ideas generated from such tasks / assignments get briefly discussed for feedback by the mentor. This approach suits the professionals considering their busy schedule.

  • The knowledge of design psychology, particularly with a focus on social behavior or social interaction design, is invaluable for enhancing a wide range of web and mobile-based 'socio-technical' business applications spanning across different verticals involving e-commerce and online services. Learning the psychological interpretation of social behaviors is also beneficial for service design.

  • Dinesh Katre has invested several years of efforts to curate the curriculum for design psychology. This course provides a deeper coverage to a variety of psychological theories and principles which are applicable to design innovation and UX Design field. Every session concludes with a clear identification of psychological triggers and behavioral patterns leading to design insights. The course contains knowledge packed sessions, illustrative and relevant examples, brainstorming of innovative ideas and interactive sessions.

    Perhaps, this is the only design psychology course of its kind.

  • This is course conducted live allowing the participants to directly interact with the expert.

    It is not delivered through video recording of the lectures.

  • Yes, you get a Certificate of Attendance upon conclusion of the course.