Design Psychology Articles by Dinesh Katre

Psychological Insights & Design Issues: WhatsApp Payment’s Indian Market Failure

During my recent webinar on “Design Psychology,” a participant named Vasu, a Product Manager, asked a fascinating question: Why has WhatsApp Payment struggled to gain acceptance in the Indian market from a psychological perspective? This intriguing query sparked a lively discussion, prompting me to delve deeper into the topic and write this article.

Analysis of “Digital Verbal Behaviors” in the paradigm of Psychonomic Interaction Design

The concept of “Digital Verbal Behavior” offers a clear visibility and identification of a certain type of interactive behaviors, which could be analyzed and designed in the paradigm of Psychonomic Interaction Design. The interaction designers will be able to consider Digital Verbal Behavior (DVB) as an important possibility and as a subject of interaction design.

Design Thinking is an interesting attempt at cultivating the culture of innovation across the organization. However, I am in disagreement with the proponents of the design thinking method for misrepresenting and providing a fragmented process in their efforts to make it palatable to non-designers, especially the business management professionals. Therefore, I would like to illustrate a Cognitive Tree Model (CTM) for Design Thinking to provide a complete process.

Cognitive Tree Model for Design Thinking

Need for a negotiation between the design of “User Experience” and “User Inexperience” for AI powered products and services

“The moment you design an intelligent and efficient technology to take over a manual process, it is the paradigm of User Inexperience Design.” In short, when AI takes over a manual process, the users begin to lose their experience, a part of knowledge and the skills (both mental and physical) associated with the manual process.

Sociable Product Design - Exploring the Polyadic Nature of Human AI Interactions

In the changing scenario, the users of intelligent products can be humans as well as peer machines or other products. Such multi-lateral or polyadic relationships between humans and intelligent machines can fully integrate into the realms of sociology and social psychology, giving rise to the new paradigm of “Sociable Product Design.”

Tacit annotations and multimodal experience retrieval— an inspiration for AI based information repurposing

The “tacitness” or the non-verbal property of human memory is the most distinguishing factor if compared with digital memory. Human memory can encode multi-sensorial experiences in a homogeneous and unified way with linkages to other memories unlike the heterogeneous digital media encoders that store digital contents in a fragmented and unlinked manner.

Psychology Centric Design Is The Future of Design Thinking!

Balanced coverage of both human physiology and psychology is essential to achieving comprehensive Human-Centric Design for any digital or physical product. Current design approaches are lopsided, heavily focusing on physical human factors because they are visible, whereas human psychology is invisible and therefore often ignored.